End-of-Summer Special!


Have you been waiting for the right time to give Tucson Chayon-Ryu a try? If you start your training this month – August 2010 – we’ll give you your first month tuition-free!

You’ll still need to pay the one-time registration fee of $25 per student, but you’ll get a chance to sample our class until September without paying the monthly tuition. Stop by one of our classes this month and give martial arts a try!

Holiday Class Schedule Reminder!


Students (and parents of students), don’t forget that the class schedule for the next couple of weeks is different from our usual routine! Here’s the rundown:

Tuesday, December 22nd – regular 6-7 pm class
Thursday, December 24th – no class
Saturday, December 26th – regular classes at 1 and 2 pm
Tuesday, December 29th – regular 6-7 pm class
Thursday, December 31st – no class
Saturday, January 2nd – special “every form” class starting at 1 pm
Tuesday, January 5th – special “training in the dark” class from 6-7 pm

After January 5th, our schedule will return to normal.

Rank Tests in Tucson and in Houston


It’s been a busy couple of months for Tucson Chayon-Ryu students! In November, we had a rank test at which seven of our students were promoted to their next belts.

Students demonstrating their roundhouse kicks in front of judges

Students demonstrating their roundhouse kicks in front of judges

It was our first test in our new location, and the bigger space meant that there was plenty of room for the friends and family of our students to watch and show their support.

In December, Ann Moser traveled to Houston to spend a week training at Chayon-Ryu’s World Headquarters, where she had the opportunity to learn from Grandmaster Kim Soo and Master Sean Kim. My father, Robert Fleming, and I joined Ms. Moser – now Kyosanim Moser! – there just in time for the rank test in Houston, to give moral support to our student.

Master Rangel, Robert Fleming, Ann Moser and other students demonstrate punching in a horse-riding stance

Master Rangel, Robert Fleming, Ann Moser and other students demonstrate punching in a horse-riding stance

Just after arriving, Mr. Fleming and I discovered that we would be testing, too! Fortunately, after a class with Grandmaster Kim Soo and a few pep talks with each other, we were able to approach the test with enthusiasm.

Ann Moser, Robyn Fleming and Robert Fleming (back row) in a group portrait

Ann Moser, Robyn Fleming and Robert Fleming (back row) in a group portrait

It was a very exciting test, with several students being promoted to Master level, and Master Rangel and Master Sean Kim being promoted to their 8th Dan black belts. We were honored to be able to train with the students at World Headquarters and participate in their 252nd rank exam.

Congratulations to all of the Tucson Chayon-Ryu students who have earned new ranks this year!